Wednesday, August 30, 2017


It's been a while, but thought I'd drop a note.  We are coming up on the Labor Day weekend.  I hate that it is like an end to summer, but I will refuse to put my shorts away until I cannot stand it any longer.  The temperatures are really perfect, 78-80, and the sky is very blue. Just beautiful days.  How good is God?  Awesome!

Dick had a terrible misfortune this week, with his fish aquarium.  During the process, he lost five fish he has had for eight months this time.  He had grown very fond of them, and watching them.  However, he recently had Mitchell pick him up a couple new fish, and he stopped one day and got himself a new one, for a grand total of eight.  This is where it gets really sad.  Something infected the aquarium, is all we can think, and they all slowly died, one at a time.  I hate it.  He loves watching his fish.  It is something for him to do in the house.  So, he has totally emptied the aquarium, cleaned everything with bleach, Dawn, and really hot water, and put it back in, filled with water, and sat for 24 hours.  Today, in just a little bit, we are heading to PetSmart to buy eight new fish.  He says he is biting the bullet and trying them all at once, so he doesn't get attached to some and lose them slowly again.  This will be as exciting as having an aquarium can be.  Can anyone say - Boring?

Last night on Facebook, in the Card Conga group, I admitted so many women for card swapping.  It was wonderful!  I love having more people to swap with.  There are so many talented people in the group.  The talent ranges, too, but it is nice to see people progress on their journey as a card maker.  I love receiving Happy Mail.  It is so much fun to go to the craft room, and actually have something that is rewarding to do.  I have gotten out of my comfort zone a few times, but prefer staying in the comfort zone mostly.  I only venture out when I have to.

Well, I am going now.  We are out of here to buy fish.  Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for stopping by.


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