Wednesday, August 9, 2017

The temperature is sitting right about 79, and the sun is beautifully sitting in the sky.  It is low humidity, and feels like a warm fall day.  I'm a summer person, but I'm liking this day.  This is the first day I have been actually feeling good since returning on Saturday, from Sunset Beach, North Carolina.  I spent a week there with my friend, Tessie, and her family.  Had the most relaxing time.  The beach was awesome there.  The waves were unbelievable compared to the waves I'm use to seeing in Myrtle or further south.  Tessie and I played with paper off and on all week, when not visiting local attractions, and sitting on the beach.  Seems we had to come home to actually have down time.

Since I suffer with fibromyalgia, more noticeable in the spring and fall seasons of the year now, I have really been under the weather since returning home to the cooler temperatures.  Today, with the sun bright in the sky, I am feeling a bit better.  Probably just gradually getting use to a more normal, even keel.  

Well, I'm off to wash the car.  I need to get something accomplished this day.  I did go to the doctor's office this morning, and then to the grocery.  I have also surfed the web a bit, and talked via messenger to Tessie, and by text to my friend, Barb, so I can actually do something productive.  Have a good day!  And, try to get some stamping in!

Happy stamping!


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